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Jeremiah 29:2

This was after King Jeconiah and the queen mother, the eunuchs, the officials of Judah and Jerusalem, the craftsmen, and the metal workers had departed from Jerusalem.

drag_indicator King James Version

Jeremiah 29:2, KJV

(After that Jeconiah the king, and the queen, and the eunuchs, the princes of Judah and Jerusalem, and the carpenters, and the smiths, were departed from Jerusalem;)

drag_indicator New American Standard Bible

Jeremiah 29:2, NASB

(This was after King Jeconiah and the queen mother, the court officials, the princes of Judah and Jerusalem, the craftsmen and the smiths had departed from Jerusalem.)

drag_indicator New Living Translation

Jeremiah 29:2, NLT

2This was after King Jehoiachin,*29:2 Hebrew Jeconiah, a variant spelling of Jehoiachin. the queen mother, the court officials, the other officials of Judah, and all the craftsmen and artisans had been deported from Jerusalem.
